Wednesday, February 2, 2011

5 Mandarin Song Compositions using the Pentatonic Scale.

Dear parents,

Happy Chinese New Year!

The kids were taught the pentatonic scale and to use it to compose a chinese tune. As this is a composition exercise, the focus is on the tune and not so much the playing. Some of them have not practised enough to make it in the mean time, enjoy the tunes!
(The children are arranged accordingly to alphabetical order of their names)

1. Amelia's Song: I love ice-cream and piano playing.

I love ice-cream and I love playing the piano most (English translation)

2. Andrew: Rabbit Year is Drawing Near

Lyrics: Happy new year, happy new year. Rabbit year is drawing near.
"xin nian kuai le"Happy new year, play a tune and let us cheer!

3. Chinese Food

Lyrics: I love "han bao bao", (hamburger) I love "san wen zi" (sandwiches)
I love to eat rice with soya sauce.

4. Noah: Let's Have Pie

Lyrics: Gongxi, gongxi, gongxifacai
Happy new year, let's have pie.
Gongxi, gongxi, gongxifacai
Happy new year, let us eat pie!

5. Tallula: xiao bai ma (little white horse) - Tallula was born in the year of the horse.

我是一只小白马, 我最喜欢我的爸爸!
I am a white horse, I love my daddy most!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Matthew - working on his chinese tune

Matthew using the pentatonic scale to compose a chinese tune. Here's a glimpse of his song....hopefully it will be ready by next Tuesday, in time to wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year. 新年快乐!

In the meantime, enjoy the chinese tune.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween Composition Contest - Girls

Here are the girls's composition. As usual, remember the theme is "halloween", look for the spookiest tune!

Amelia's Entry

Tallula's Entry

Ysobel's Entry

Daisy's Entry

Halloween Composition Contest - Boys

We have a total of 8 entries for the Halloween Composition Contest. Here are the videos of the 4 boys. Have a listen to them and find the Best Entry.....remember the theme is "halloween", so look for the Spookiest tune that makes your hair stand!

All entries are arranged in accordance to age, from the youngest to the oldest.

Matthew's Entry

Jesse's Entry

Noah's Entry

Andrew's Entry

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Noah's Composition

Here's Noah and his notation of his tune!

He composed this little tune one evening when he was moody, and I believed, it cheered him up. I tried putting some words in for him and you can try to sing it, it's fun.

"That sounds good, interesting, do you like my tune?"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jadyn's Lullaby

Jadyn composed this lullaby all by herself, without any help from me !

It's a lovely little song, ending on the tonic (the first note of the key).

Well done Jadyn, I'm sure your teddy loves this lullaby.

Ysobel's Father's Day Song

Ysobel composed a song for her dad on Father's Day. Attached are 2 clips; one where she played it on her digital piano for Dad. The second one is a recording of the song using Garage Band.

Enjoy the "funny ending" she added in her recording : )